Which airMax product should I use Introduction In fixed outdoor wireless communications there are two primary deployment methods...
Wireless Articles

Wi-Fi interference
Wi-Fi Interference Wi-Fi Interference is one of the most discussed topics in Wi-Fi but since you can't see interference visually...

Dynamic Frequency Selection
Dynamic Frequency Selection What are WiFi Dynamic Frequency Selection frequencies selection and should I care? The regulatory...
Best WiFi Channel
Best WiFi Channel To help us find the best WiFi channel and frequency for our Router to use, we need to download a free piece of software called inSSIDer, this software will at its basic level sniff the air around you and graph all the Service Set Identifiers (SSID)...
Understanding Wi-Fi
Understanding Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Basics. For the purpose of this explanation, let’s call your “Wi-Fi” an Access Point (AP) and all the devices that connect to it, like your phones and laptops and gaming consoles are called Stations (STA). The way Wi-Fi works is an AP can...
wifi signal strength
WiFi signal strength Wi-Fi signal means a more stable and reliable connection. This is what enables you to take full advantage of the internet speeds available to you. Wi-Fi signal strength depends on a variety of factors, such as how far you are from the Router,...
2.4GHz and 5GHz and their differences
2.4GHz and 5GHz and their differences The first things we need talk about are 2.4GHz and 5GHz and their differences as there’s a couple of big differences that we need to take into account when we're doing spectrum analysis and it's very important that we understand...